2011年3月8日 星期二

Stynes lends a helping hand as Port struggles

Stynes lends a helping hand as Port struggles

DEBT-RIDDEN Port Adelaide has paid tribute to Jim Stynes as it becomes the third AFL club in recent years to launch a debt-demolition campaign.Details weren't immediately brightcrystal available on when the episode of "The Today Show" will air, though McEachron said he was told it'll likely be sometime next week.

The Melbourne president, who led the 12-month push in 2008-09 to remove the Demons' $4 million debt, has been working behind the scenes in an advisory capacity with Port president Brett Duncanson, who will this week kick off the Power's bid to strip $1 million from its $3.5 million debt.

Duncanson said that Port,"I do feel that the cameras are unconstitutional," Valles said, brightstal since they don't allow alleged violators to face their accuser. "I also think they're unsafe because people slam on their brakes. I've witnessed it many, many times myself." which last night announced a new major sponsorship agreement with Westpac and now boasts superior training facilities to most AFL clubs, remained hovering at 16th in terms of its football departments costs. Coach Matthew Primus has one assistant coach fewer than his AFL rivals and will undertake the majority of the midfield coaching duties himself in his debut season.
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''I speak to Jimmy [Stynes] a lot on a lot of different subjects,'' said Duncanson, ''because I think he's just a wonderful human being and if he's preached one lesson it's that there is no point appealing to any supporters to raise funds as a commercial decision or anything like that on economic terms.

''These things are about emotion and appealing to our supporters' love of their football club."I tell people it's not about what I want besttube , it's about what the people want," she said. And while a few people did speak in favor of the cameras at Tuesday's council meeting, Valles said she's convinced the majority of local residents want them to go away.contract with camera operator Redflex, with several bestlight attorneys looking at ways to get Victorville out of that agreement for the remaining 10 cameras before it expires in 2014. In many ways we are similar to Melbourne, given our great heritage and tradition. Our balance sheet has strengthened over recent years but we have not managed to eliminate any debt,'' said Duncanson. Said Stynes: ''I'm happy to help anyone at any club. Debt is a noose around your neck and its getting harder now since we did it because so many clubs are now looking to do it. It's largely about timing and we timed it well - we hit ours just before the world economic crisis hit hard and we discovered some genuine spirit left at Melbourne and we've built on that even if we might not have had the big numbers some clubs have."The Today Show" will reportedly be attending a local Tea crystal Party meeting Thursday night to film a piece on red light cameras.

