Green Mountain Power Proposes Helping Towns Convert to Efficient LED Streetlights
Green Mountain Power and Efficiency Vermont are partnering on an unprecedented effort to help every town in GMP service territory change over to more energy efficient Light Emitting Diode (LED) street lights.
"Last year Green Mountain Power became one of only a handful of utilities in the country to offer an LED-specific rate to customers for outdoor lighting.Second, as Badding and his team expected, they found ds マジコン that the new class of fiber provided more versatility not just in the visible spectrum, but also in the infrared -- electromagnetic radiation with wavelengths longer than those of visible light. This year we are taking it a step further by proposing to lower the rate and offer financial assistance to towns to change to LED lights," said Mary Powell, president and chief executive officer of Green Mountain Power.
With the support of Efficiency Vermont, Green Mountain Power expects to replace thousands of mercury vapor and high pressure sodium street lights with new energy-efficient LED street lights in towns throughout its service territory.He said: "Approaching it there fluorescent bulbs looked like there was going to be chaos. But because the car drivers had to think a lot more they seemed to be being more careful.
Compared with existing mercury vapor bulbs, LED lights produce a comparable amount of light with an average 66 percent savings in energy use or watts. In addition, LEDs are extremely long-lasting. An LED lamp has a potential lifespan of up to 25 years, compared to 5-7 years for traditional street light lamps.
"Helping towns across Vermont switch to LED lights is a very important way to reduce Vermont's use of electricity,A team of scientists led by John Badding, a professor of chemistry at Penn table lamps State, has developed the very first optical fiber made with a core of zinc selenide -- a light-yellow compound that can be used as a semiconductor." said Jay Pilliod, Director of Business Energy Services of Efficiency Vermont, the state's efficiency utility. "Towns are eager to participate and benefit from savings on their electric bill."
Green Mountain Power filed its proposed street light pilot program with the Vermont Public Service Board on February 28. Green Mountain Power has requested PSB approval to use $300,000 from the GMP Efficiency Fund to help towns in the transition. The Company will also file a new tariff for LED street lights that will lower the cost towns pay for leasing street lights.
Green Mountain Power and Efficiency Vermont have been partners in energy efficiency since the creation of the GMP Efficiency Fund in 2008.Motorist Ian Beesley added: "It was running really well — they should led tube leave the lights switched off." Efficiency Vermont will implement this program as part of its portfolio of statewide energy efficiency efforts.The accidental experiment came just weeks before the county led light bulbs council is set to publish a new report on the future of the square.
Green Mountain Power and Efficiency Vermont are partnering on an unprecedented effort to help every town in GMP service territory change over to more energy efficient Light Emitting Diode (LED) street lights.
"Last year Green Mountain Power became one of only a handful of utilities in the country to offer an LED-specific rate to customers for outdoor lighting.Second, as Badding and his team expected, they found ds マジコン that the new class of fiber provided more versatility not just in the visible spectrum, but also in the infrared -- electromagnetic radiation with wavelengths longer than those of visible light. This year we are taking it a step further by proposing to lower the rate and offer financial assistance to towns to change to LED lights," said Mary Powell, president and chief executive officer of Green Mountain Power.
With the support of Efficiency Vermont, Green Mountain Power expects to replace thousands of mercury vapor and high pressure sodium street lights with new energy-efficient LED street lights in towns throughout its service territory.He said: "Approaching it there fluorescent bulbs looked like there was going to be chaos. But because the car drivers had to think a lot more they seemed to be being more careful.
Compared with existing mercury vapor bulbs, LED lights produce a comparable amount of light with an average 66 percent savings in energy use or watts. In addition, LEDs are extremely long-lasting. An LED lamp has a potential lifespan of up to 25 years, compared to 5-7 years for traditional street light lamps.
"Helping towns across Vermont switch to LED lights is a very important way to reduce Vermont's use of electricity,A team of scientists led by John Badding, a professor of chemistry at Penn table lamps State, has developed the very first optical fiber made with a core of zinc selenide -- a light-yellow compound that can be used as a semiconductor." said Jay Pilliod, Director of Business Energy Services of Efficiency Vermont, the state's efficiency utility. "Towns are eager to participate and benefit from savings on their electric bill."
Green Mountain Power filed its proposed street light pilot program with the Vermont Public Service Board on February 28. Green Mountain Power has requested PSB approval to use $300,000 from the GMP Efficiency Fund to help towns in the transition. The Company will also file a new tariff for LED street lights that will lower the cost towns pay for leasing street lights.
Green Mountain Power and Efficiency Vermont have been partners in energy efficiency since the creation of the GMP Efficiency Fund in 2008.Motorist Ian Beesley added: "It was running really well — they should led tube leave the lights switched off." Efficiency Vermont will implement this program as part of its portfolio of statewide energy efficiency efforts.The accidental experiment came just weeks before the county led light bulbs council is set to publish a new report on the future of the square.