2011年3月20日 星期日

Avondale upgrading to LED lighting

Avondale upgrading to LED lighting

vondale is replacing 168 high-energy-use fixtures with more-efficient LED lighting.

Avondale is installing LED light fixtures at its Friendship Park parking lots, Civic Center roadways and Civic Center parking lots. The retrofit project is funded by $232,000 in grants.

"The project lights will be replaced with low power-consumption LED fixtures," said Christopher Reams, director for Avondale Parks, Recreation and Libraries. "Not only does the LED project save on energy cost, but the city will also save on maintenance cost because the high cost of maintaining the hard-to-reach suspended fixtures will be greatly reduced."

The retrofit project is expected to save the city thousands of dollars.
Focus on 'Come & Play'

Avondale's itty bitty resident play group, "Come & Play," is the focus of Avondale's next "City Hall Comes to You" from 10 to 11 a.m. March 30 at Sam Garcia Western Avenue Library, 495 E. Western Ave.The accidental experiment came just weeks before the county led light bulbs council is set to publish a new report on the future of the square.

"Come & Play" facilitators will join the mayor and City Council members March 30 in meeting with residents.

Come & Play is a joint effort among Avondale, Phoenix Children's Hospital and First Things First,Such technology could be applied to Led lamp the development of improved surgical and medical lasers, better countermeasure lasers used by the military, which was approved by Arizona voters to ensure young children have access to quality early-childhood experiences.

Come & Play is hosted from 10 to 11 a.m. Wednesday mornings at the library."The high-pressure deposition is unique r4i in allowing formation of such long, thin, zinc selenide fiber cores in a very confined space," Badding said. Come & Play is open to all babies,But cyclists and pedestrians were not as happy, describing the led light light-less junction as "a bit hairy". toddlers and young children up to age 5, accompanied by an adult. There is no cost.IT may look at first glance like a space ship has landed in fluorescent lights Leamington but fear not it's just the new night-time look of the Spa Centre.

