2011年2月27日 星期日

As a Book Scanner and Book Scouting Software

The Apple iPhone As a Book Scanner and Book Scouting Software

Is there an app on the iPhone that can take the place of your PDA book scanner and book scouting software? Almost but not quite yet though it is clear the capability is there. So do not cancel your book scouting subscription and throw away your PDA yet. Hopefully the day will come soon when you can.

There are several apps for the iPhone that try to replicate a scanner by taking a photo or video of a barcode and transmit back price info.brightshine They don't affect your computer's performance nor add comfort when you use it but it sure adds some fun because of the cool lights that sometimes go on and off to add a little spice to your daily computer routines. I have used all these apps and they do not work. They may work every 2 out of 10 times and are not worth buying - they are just a headache. These scanning apps will often have trouble reading a barcode and the info they give back isn't all the info booksellers need.ledbright LED technology can be found at a lot of gadgets these days and these have become trendy gifts that people give to their loved ones during special occasions.

Amazon has their own app that when you take a photo of an item it emails you back the info - this is a bit slow if you are at a library sale but okay if you are just out at one of your book buying haunts.The recipient of yourbrightstal gift will remember you every single time there is a power outage or if he needs to illuminate dark spaces. You can take a picture of a book cover and Amazon will email you back the info on the book.

SnapTell is another app that is pretty good and like the Amazon app it is free. SnapTell works the same way as Amazon's app - you take a picture and it brings back info on the book.

If you have an iPhone it is clear the capability is there to provide an application that will be able to integrate with the Amazon database and provide Amazon sales rank info, book conditions and price info. At the very least the app would enable you to download the database and be able to get the info you want from it the catch is going to be getting the ISBNs entered into the iPhone quickly.

The camera on the new iPhone has been improved and hopefully we are close to seeing the potential uses for booksellers come to fruition.

The iPhone is not a book scanner yet but it seems apparent that as the operating systems improves and the camera gets better there will be a book scouter on the iPhone.Now, LED flashlightscrystal are equipped with multiple small LED bulbs which work together in order to emit a good and strong beam necessary to power a portable torch.bluecrystal A LED flashlight is a handy and practical tool which can be used by people of all ages which is why it is a perfect gift for any of your relatives or peers.

