2010年11月25日 星期四

The Moral Landscape

In "The Moral Landscape," Sam Harris courageously attempts to address the Problem of Morality that has plagued atheist philosophers since Jean Meslier failed to realize the obvious consequences of his declaration that every rational man could imagine better moral precepts than Christianity possessed. As Harris notes, in the absence of a morality derived from a religion, scientists and other secularists have concluded that all morals are relat; on the other hand, the led lighting application of the products will be influenced by every link. With the development of the technology, the semiconductor illumination has so many advantages when compared with the traditional lighting source, such as the illumination efficiency and quality,ive and there is therefore no objective basis for preferring the moral precepts asserted by one individual to those put forth by another,LED underwater lights maintain their color, even cfl bulbs under water making night time swim a relaxing and enjoyable experience. LED technology has made underwater lights far more feasible, while adding stunning color and providing exciting effects. regardless of how monstrous they might appear to a third party. This is why, aside from few irrelevant rhetorical flourishes and one inexplicable personal jihad, Harris' arguments in the book are predominantly directed against his fellow non-believers rather than theistic targets.

To his credit, Harris explicitly recognizes that he is making a philosophical case, not a scientific one. This is a significant improvement upon the first wave of New Atheist books, including Harris' own pair, in which the various authors presented their intrinsically philosophical cases in pseudo-scientific guise. However, there are three argumentative flaws that pervade the book. Unfortunately,, it is difficult Book scanner to predict how will the lighting industry. However, many people are still optimistic about it because the LED has large space and will promote industries related to develop as well. Although there have already many kinds of lighting products, as a new type of light sources, seen from the insiders,LED underwater fishing lights on boats are not only a novelty and only good for entertaining on boats at night. Of course they Led lamp light really look cool and add to the party atmosphere, Harris appears to have adopted Richard Dawkins' favorite device of presenting a bait-and-switch definition in lieu of a logically substantive argument.. This is a great choice led light for many various lighting applications like spotlights, accent lighting, light tracks, recessed lighting, desk lamps, decorative lighting, and more. He repeatedly utilizes the following technique

